Wearable devices

A wearable device or wearable is a small, mobile computing device designed to be worn by a consumer. These devices often communicate with a mobile device or computer using Bluetooth. Three popular types of wearable devices are activity trackers, smartwatches and smart glasses.


a) Activity trackers


An activity tracker is a wearable device that monitors fitness-related activities such as distance walked, heart rate, pulse, calories consumed and sleep patterns. These devices typically sync, usually wirelessly, with a web or mobile app on your computer or mobile device to extend the capability of the wearable device.

b) Smartwatches


A smartwatch is a wearable device that in addition to keeping time, can communicate wirelessly with a smartphone to make and answer phone calls, read and send messages, access the web, play music, work with apps such as fitness trackers and GPS and more. Most include a touch screen.

c) Smart glasses


A smart glasses also called smart eyewear, are wearable device head-mounted eyeglass type devices that enable the user to view information or take photos and videos that are projected to a miniature screen in the user’s field vision. Users control the device through voice commands or by touching controls on its frame. Some smart glasses also include mobile apps, such as fitness trackers and GPS.


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