A CPU is the main component of a digital computer that interprets instructions, process data in computer programs and carries out basic instructions that operate a computer. It inevitably referred to as the “brains” of the computers.

        On a personal computer, all functions of processer usually are on a single chip called microprocessor. It works closely with primary memory during its operations. Data is stored temporarily in primary memory during the processing period. The microprocessor is subdivided into three important units, which work together in order to accomplish its function. The units are:



The control unit

It manages and supervises the operations of the processor and other components such as ALU, registers and buses that are crucial in data manipulation. It interprets each instruction and initiates appropriate action to carry out the instruction.



Arithmetic and logic unit


The ALU is a component of processor responsible for all arithmetic and logic operations like addition, multiplication, subtraction, division, and comparison logic operations.



Register and cache

These are temporarily storage locations for the data and instruction inside the processor that respond to the instructions of the control unit by moving relevant data around during processing. Register is part of a processor, not part of memory or a permanent storage device.




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