

             Computer hardware refers to the physical devices or components attached to a computer. It is unlike computer software or data that can be frequently changed, modified or erased on a computer. Hardware components are not often replaced. These components are fixed in their respective ports and can only be replaced by computer hardware engineer/technician.

            Computer hardware is entrenched inside a steel covering, therefore, it is embedded and not visible to the end users. There are different types of computer hardware that are designed by different manufacturers such as Intel, Dell, Lenovo, HP, Acer, Asus, IBM, AMD, Toshiba, A4 Tech and Matrox.  

             The computer has many hardware without which computers cannot do what they are known to do. The basic hardware of the computer is a motherboard, processor, RAM, wireless modem, soundcard, power supply, video display card, hard disk and storage device. Hardware devices can be classified into four distinct categories:

Hardware Device


Processing devices

Process received data and interpret instructions into usable information

Storage devices

Store data and information for future use

Input devices

Input raw data

Output devices

Disseminate processed data and information

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